Why is my darling Dictionary.com using popunder ads? Shocking. My rudimentary cookie-hacking understanding has led me to the following solution, which you're free to try if it disturbs you as much as it does me. Now, we can't mend our wounded sense of all that is right and good in this world, now that the once beacon of honesty is employing dastardly and hard-to-trace credit card ads, but we can at least stop the darn things from appearing. Here's what you do:
Go into your Windows\Cookies\ folder, and find any cookies for the domains flycaster and engageaudience (the parent company), and change the * in the last line (which I, again with my miniscule cookie-encoding knowledge, am guessing is a place for an expiration date) and change it to a date in the past with the following fomat: Wednesday, 04-Jul-01 23:12:40. Et voilą.
Let's cross our fingers that it really works. You can find out more about
Dictionary.com's privacy policy and
cookies if you're interested.
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