Oodles of love for my web host
Dreamhost has hosted this website for three years, and I've got nothing but love for them. They frequently plop free goodies in the laps of their customers (three hundred extra megs of storage here, twenty more subdomains there, anybody want streaming Quicktime?). Not only do they have excellent response time, they have a human voice -- I actually look forward to the monthly newsletter, wherein our hero, the robot- and monkey-obsessed Josh palavers about new features and how they fit into the pop culture zeitgeist.Yesterday, a DOS attack brought the network down for a full day, something that's never happened since I've been a customer. Things are stable again now, and they sent out a full explanation earlier today, detailing changes that will prevent this sort of thing in the future. It was a lot like the time Blogger was hacked; in both cases a serious problem was fixed relatively quickly and explained clearly. Kudos to both companies.
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