Psst! This is the blog of Moira Burke, a Ph.D. student in the HCI Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.
Rife with derivative pop culture blather, this site occasionally features thoughts on social psychology, usability, aesthetics, and the general meanderings of someone figuring out the meaning of life. Won't you help me find it?
my first name @ this domain name
Also see: Veggieburgh, my restaurant and recipe site
That would make a great Hallmark card for statisticians: a twee little teddy bear with caption "I <3 YOU (p < 0.05)"
Though not significant, the data trend toward romance (p < 0.10).
And when things do turn out, you can honestly call that person...your significant other. ;-)
...and there's no such thing as generating enough power to limit type 1 error. :-p
And Muffin, your method of correlating responses of mutual acquaintances has another name: the seventh-grade technique.