Psst! This is the blog of Moira Burke, a Ph.D. student in the HCI Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.
Rife with derivative pop culture blather, this site occasionally features thoughts on social psychology, usability, aesthetics, and the general meanderings of someone figuring out the meaning of life. Won't you help me find it?
my first name @ this domain name
Also see: Veggieburgh, my restaurant and recipe site
Hmmm, how would I text mesg this compactly?
I can't say that I like the new background color of your blog. How long will this color be in place?
I always feel both amazed and old when I see the cool things people do with CSS/etc these days. Being able to change the theme just by clicking on something is way cool. I'm sure it's simple enough to do, but it's like magic to those of us who were last comfortable with HTML circa Netscape 3. ;)
Anonymous2: I feel a little sheepish about the silly theme-changing buttons. Especially because the buttons aren't labeled (my rationalization was that the skin changing should be more of a hidden treat for anyone bored enough to click around). But you'd probably really like the CSS Zen Garden.