Gobble gobble (the sound of boiling brussels sprouts)
Happy Thanksgiving. Today I'm thankful for the New York Times 100 Notable Books list, sunny skies, and catching up on friends' blogs. Like Michelle, who has admirably taken the NaNoWriMo plunge, and if her novel is anything like her blog, I intend to devour it like those brussels sprouts. She said recently:"Just about four in the a.m. and I've reached my word count goal for Sunday. If you want to pull out the can of technicality whoop-ass or the 'well, actually' aside, feel free. Technically, it is actually Monday. I'm too tired to fight you. So tired, in fact, that I just wrote whoop-ass...twice now. My apologies for the language, and to the Language, while I'm at it."
And Margaret, who has great conversations with strangers in her semi-sketchy neighborhood. When one man's parting words were "You need a man wit you!", she thought:
"I couldn't really tell if he meant just for the walk home or in a larger sense. If the latter, then there's a good chance I rejected him rather rudely with my reaction. Because the suggestion to 'get a man,' as it turns out, is usually a lame application for the job."