A groundhoggin' we go

What surprised me most was the extended ritual and eventual mediation of the groundhog's message. This isn't a surprised animal peeking from a hole in the ground and seeing his shadow. Instead, it's a sedated animal secreted into a faux burrow/podium while the crowd is distracted with fireworks and the YMCA dance. A circle of top-hatted men surround the podium, one extracts the groundhog, and the animal converses in groundhogese, indicating one of two scrolls for the man guy to read. Our scroll proclaimed six more weeks of winter, which given that it was cloudy, I consider suspicious.
Regardless of the weather report, the event itself was a blast. Punxatawney does a remarkable job of managing the 30,000 tourists who visit for one freezing night. More pictures over at Flickr.
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